“The Materiality of Mr. Peanut: Agriculture, Aristocracy, and Minstrelsy in Planters’ Anthropomorphic Nut.” American Studies Association. October 11, 2021, virtual conference (rescheduled from 2020 canceled conference).
“Exporting Citrus, Importing Tourists: The Florida Orange as an Icon of Commodified Labor-Turned-Leisure.” American Studies Association. November 2019, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
"The Florida Orange as an Icon of Commodified Labor-Turned-Leisure.” Americanist Forum, American & New England Studies Program at Boston University, October 28, 2019.
"The Florida Orange as an Icon of Commodified Labor-Turned-Leisure.” Americanist Forum, American & New England Studies Program at Boston University, October 28, 2019.
“Documenting Sense of Place.” Vernacular Architecture Forum. June 1, 2019, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Roundtable co-organizer and participant.
“Painting Away the Shackles of Slavery: Exploring Jonathan Green’s Depictions of an ‘Unenslaved’ Lowcountry.” The Vesey Conspiracy at 200: Black Antislavery and the Atlantic World, College of Charleston. February 9, 2019, Charleston, South Carolina.
“Painting the ‘Unenslaved’: Jonathan Green’s Visualizations of Land, Labor, and Life in the Lowcountry.” Southern Studies Conference, Auburn University Montgomery. February 10, 2018, Montgomery, Alabama.
“Seeing and Hearing Frederick Douglass: Photography, Words, and Resisting Archival Silence.” American Studies Association. November 2017, Chicago, Illinois. Session Co-Organizer: (Re)presenting the Archive of Black Experience: Photography and Race.
“From Maids to Mary King: Stories and Spaces of the Nichols House Employees.” Nichols House Museum. September 2017, Boston, Massachusetts.
“An Island of Opportunity: The Boston Farm School and the City’s Civic Landscape.” Vernacular Architecture Forum, June 3, 2017, Salt Lake City, Utah.
“Virginia’s Paradox on Parade: Mr. Peanut as Southern Agriculture and Aristocracy.” Americanist Forum, American & New England Studies Program at Boston University, February 22, 2017.
“Virginia’s Paradox on Parade: Mr. Peanut as Southern Agriculture and Aristocracy.” Americanist Forum, American & New England Studies Program at Boston University, February 22, 2017.
“Working and Eating in the Piedmont.” Carolina Cornucopia: A Conference on Foodways of the Tar Heel State. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 30, 2015.
Presenting on Jonathan Green's paintings in Charleston, SC in 2019.